Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database for high-performance applications of any size or scale. See Azure Cosmos DB Provider for information on using Azure Cosmos DB with Entity Framework Core. When using Azure Cosmos DB with the Datasync Community Toolkit:

  1. Set up the Cosmos Container with a composite index that specifies the UpdatedAt and Id fields. Composite indices can be added to a container through the Azure portal, ARM, Bicep, Terraform, or within code. Here’s an example bicep resource definition:

    resource cosmosContainer 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers@2023-04-15' = {
        name: 'TodoItems'
        parent: cosmosDatabase
        properties: {
            resource: {
                id: 'TodoItems'
                partitionKey: {
                    paths: [
                    kind: 'Hash'
                indexingPolicy: {
                    indexingMode: 'consistent'
                    automatic: true
                    includedPaths: [
                            path: '/*'
                    excludedPaths: [
                            path: '/"_etag"/?'
                    compositeIndexes: [
                                path: '/UpdatedAt'
                                order: 'ascending'
                                path: '/Id'
                                order: 'ascending'

    You can also review our bicep module that we use for testing.

    If you pull a subset of items in the table, ensure you specify all properties involved in the query.

  2. Derive models from the CosmosEntityTableData class:

    public class TodoItem : CosmosEntityTableData
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public bool Completed { get; set; }
  3. Add an OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder) method to the DbContext. The Cosmos DB driver for Entity Framework places all entities into the same container by default. At a minimum, you must pick a suitable partition key and ensure the EntityTag property is marked as the concurrency tag. For example, the following snippet stores the TodoItem entities in their own container with the appropriate settings for Azure Mobile Apps:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
        builder.Entity<TodoItem>(builder =>
            // Store this model in a specific container.
            // Do not include a discriminator for the model in the partition key.
            // Set the partition key to the Id of the record.
            builder.HasPartitionKey(model => model.Id);
            // Set the concurrency tag to the EntityTag property.
            builder.Property(model => model.EntityTag).IsETagConcurrency();

Azure Cosmos DB is supported in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Datasync.EFCore NuGet package since v5.0.11. For more information, review the following links: