Client application


For offline database access, you should create your application using Entity Framework Core v8.0 and a Sqlite database. When you construct your models for database storage, ensure they are constructed with the following requirements:

  • Primary key - Id, a string field.
  • UpdatedAt - a DateTimeOffset? field.
  • Version - a string? or byte[]? field.
  • Deleted - a bool field.

These are maintained by the server.


Sqlite stores DateTimeOffset using a second accuracy by default. The Datasync Community Toolkit does not rely on the storage of the UpdatedAt field, but it is transmitted with millisecond accuracy. Consider using a ValueConverter to store the value as a long value instead.


Add the CommunityToolkit.Datasync.Client NuGet package to your application.

Change your DbContext to an OfflineDbContext

Instead of inheriting from DbContext, your context should inherit from OfflineDbContext. This brings in additional functionality for offline capabilities.

Create an OnDatasyncInitialization method

Override the OnDatasyncInitialization() method in your context. This provides information about the datasync server. A minimal implementation looks like this:

protected override void OnDatasyncInitialization(DatasyncOfflineOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
  _ = optionsBuilder.UseEndpoint(new Uri(""));

Synchronize data on a regular basis

Your data is not automatically synchronized. Synchronization is split into pushing changes to the remote service and pulling changes from the remote service. Here is some example code:

PushResult pushResult = await context.PushAsync();
if (!pushResult.IsSuccessful)
  throw new ApplicationException($"Push failed: {pushResult.FailedRequests.FirstOrDefault().Value.ReasonPhrase}");

PullResult pullResult = await context.PullAsync();
if (!pullResult.IsSuccessful)
  throw new ApplicationException($"Pull failed: {pullResult.FailedRequests.FirstOrDefault().Value.ReasonPhrase}");

You should always push changes before pulling updated records from the remote service.